A place to dig deeper, go down rabbit holes and hang out with a cuppa

Writing Sales Emails That… Y’Know… SELL
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Writing Sales Emails That… Y’Know… SELL

Feeling uncomfortable about selling on email 🤢 is SUUUUCH a common hurdle for people.

This was a *BIG* discussion in the latest run of my course...

Because when I reviewed everyone's sales emails I saw so~many~examples of people holding themselves back in their copy - for fear of 'coming across as salesy' 😱

...and as a result, writing emails that weren't going to sell... The irony. 🤦‍♀️

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When You’re Feeling Disheartened By Your Marketing Results
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

When You’re Feeling Disheartened By Your Marketing Results

Dear Josephine,

I’m feeling disheartened by my marketing results (namely Instagram and my podcast). It feels so much harder to get traction than it was a year or two ago.

Surely after a few years in business I should be growing, not shrinking.

I’m starting to resent how much energy goes into my content creation vs the rewards - engagement and sales. And I’m at a bit of a loss as to how to change this.

Can you help me get out of this marketing funk!?

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The Best Email Marketing Platform For Sales Funnels
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

The Best Email Marketing Platform For Sales Funnels

For a sales funnel to deliver… sales, and a great experience for your subscribers…

… you’re going to need an email platform that’s sophisticated enough to automatically deliver the right messages, to the right people, at the right time.

That’s the most important thing for your sales funnel. Creating a seamless, natural subscriber experience. And making your email delivery feel human and authentic.

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Is Marketing & Selling To Pain Points Manipulative & Unethical?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Is Marketing & Selling To Pain Points Manipulative & Unethical?

There’s a common worry that marketing and selling based on pain points might be viewed as manipulative, shady, or even resorting to cheap tactics.

…and it can be scary too! Engaging directly with your audience’s pain points can feel intimidating - like walking a tightrope of opinions.

So, Is it ethical to market and sell by tapping into our audience's pain points?

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How To Get Consistent With Your Marketing
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

How To Get Consistent With Your Marketing

I know you’ve seen the posts that advise on ‘what you should be sharing each week on Instagram’.

They catch my eye too, for a moment, because they capitalise on our deepest fear… that we don’t know what we’re doing. 🤦

They say you need to be doing… all-the-things. EVERYTHING!

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Marketing vs. Offer Development: Finding the Balance
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Marketing vs. Offer Development: Finding the Balance

I don't have enough time to grow my audience and always be developing new offers 😔

I recently hosted a live masterclass where this comment 👆 came up. And it clearly struck a chord as it gained a flood of likes, responses, and reactions.

But for me, it also rang alarm bells 🚨

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What Does Scaling Your Business Actually MEAN!?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

What Does Scaling Your Business Actually MEAN!?

You hear soooo much about ‘scaling your business’

It’s all…

Scale your business to 6/7 figures…

Scale up your business with [fill in the blank] ~ sales funnels, your next sell-out launch, systems, automations, your next 1:many offer - the list goes on.

Scale up with passive income.

But what does scaling your business actually MEAN!?

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How To Use Instagram As A SUSTAINABLE Marketing Tool
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

How To Use Instagram As A SUSTAINABLE Marketing Tool

We’ve fallen for this story that Instagram is the BEST place to be doing marketing.

Once upon a time, maybe that was true… now though? It’s really not. Even the Instagram experts are saying so.

The Instagram gravy train is OVER. Dunzo!

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The Automated, Freedom Friendly Marketing Approach 
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

The Automated, Freedom Friendly Marketing Approach 

Does your business look like A or B?

Business A: Most of your marketing minutes are spent creating content for Instagram - which drives your sales, along with launching. It works, but it’s kinda *exhausting*.

Business B: You leave a lot of your marketing & sales to your automated systems and funnels, leaving you to focus on creating content that feels fun, and serves your audience for months and years to come.

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You Need An Evergreen Sales Funnel ~ Here's Why
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

You Need An Evergreen Sales Funnel ~ Here's Why

If you don’t have a sales funnel… why not?

Is it because…

  • Your course is live so you can’t sell it as a passive income stream?

  • You like one actually but you never have the time to DIY it and truth be told… you wouldn’t know where to start?

  • You think they’re sleazy, or have to be sleazy to work - and you don’t want that(and I doon’t either)!

  • You think passive income is a far off dream…?

  • You’re intimidated by the tech?

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Here's What You *DON’T* Need To Scale Your Business (& What To Do Instead)
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Here's What You *DON’T* Need To Scale Your Business (& What To Do Instead)

Scale your business they said… have the sellout launch they said, drive passive income in your sleep they said…

…and yet - you’re feeling more exhausted than ever

I get it, the online world is a noisy place.

As you’re growing your business, you’re constantly hearing… MORE, FASTER, SHINIER.

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Sales Funnel Vs Marketing Funnel - What’s The Difference?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Sales Funnel Vs Marketing Funnel - What’s The Difference?

In the online marketing world, you will have heard the words ‘sales funnel’ and ‘marketing funnel’ used interchangeably and this causes a lot of confusion.

You will have wondered at some stage…

Is a sales funnel and a marketing funnel the same thing, or two separate things?

What’s the difference between the two?

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Scale Your Business By Decluttering Your Business
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Scale Your Business By Decluttering Your Business

In the process of building a business I’m willing to bet you’ve experimented with all sorts…

But then you wake up one day and realise… everything in your business feels like a lot to juggle. Right?

There’s a pile of products and lead magnets you need to be managing and promoting, and they serve a wide aray of people at different stages… and it’s all starts to feel very cluttered and dis-organised.

If that’s you… it’s time for a business declutter.

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5 Tips For SEO Friendly Blog Posts
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

5 Tips For SEO Friendly Blog Posts

You know you ‘should’ optimise your blog content for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation to be geeky).

You know there’s something about keyword research, and meta descriptions.

But this SEO malarkey just feels a bit… well, like a mysterious language only super-nerds understand and know how to hack.

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Building An Ethical Sales Funnel
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Building An Ethical Sales Funnel

You know you a sales funnel could help you drive more sales on auto-pilot, and you get the basic principles.

But I’m guessing you’ve also entered into a few kinda gross sales funnels in your time too and that’s making you wonder - can I build a sales funnel without gross sales tactics?

The short answer is YES!

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End Of Year Reflections & Revelations [Vlog]
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

End Of Year Reflections & Revelations [Vlog]

I started this year deep in burnout.

Three years of hustling, churning out endless content, live-launching and stacking up eye-watering screen time on social media had finally led to burnout.

I couldn’t force myself to do one more launch or social media post. It was scary. I was depressed and I needed to make a change. 

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Marketing Without Social Media (Or Just Less Reliance On Instagram)!
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Marketing Without Social Media (Or Just Less Reliance On Instagram)!

I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve found yourself in a bit of a social media marketing trap. The Instagram handcuffs if you will.

You’ve found yourself spending more and more time creating social media content, and hanging out there in the name of ‘engagement’ for less and less return.

You’re sick of the hamster wheel of content creation that is social media marketing

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The Freedom Friendly Marketing Formula
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

The Freedom Friendly Marketing Formula

I know you’re sick of…

  • 👾 playing a game with the algorithm

  • 🤯 the draining ‘rules’ for scaling your business

  • 😴 the launches that leave you exhausted

  • 👀 forfeiting your down-time to churn out content, stay ‘visible’ on socials and respond to DMs the minute they come in


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