A place to dig deeper, go down rabbit holes and hang out with a cuppa

Evergreen Marketing Strategy 101
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Evergreen Marketing Strategy 101

If you’re done with relying on mentally draining launches, and done with feeding the hungry social media beast for your sales…

It’s time for you to embrace evergreen marketing.

And I’m so pumped you’re here because you’re clearly figuring out how you can grow your business in a more sustainable, gentle way.

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How Do I Make Time For Blogging, Whilst Being Present On Instagram?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

How Do I Make Time For Blogging, Whilst Being Present On Instagram?

Dear Josephine, 

What would be your top tip for creating time and space for blogging and course writing, whilst still maintaining a great Instagram and Facebook presence?

I do enjoy social media, however I do feel the pressure of being visible and it takes time away from creating! I have so much I want to get out there, but feel incredibly time short - which then leaves me feeling frustrated. 

Yours, Feeling The Pressure Of Being Visible

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Have Your Launches Stopped working? Is Instagram A Slog?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Have Your Launches Stopped working? Is Instagram A Slog?

Are your launches not working like they used to? sick of relying on instagram for sales?

If every launch feels harder and harder work for fewer and fewer sales. If the excruciating emotional rollercoaster has got more and more rocky over the last few months… 

You're probably stuck in the launch cycle. But fear not my friend, there is a way out - a way to a more sustainable, freedom-friendly business.

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3 Signs You’re Approaching Marketing Burnout
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

3 Signs You’re Approaching Marketing Burnout

Intensive launches, the hungry beast that is social media, the pressure for ‘fresh content’ that lasts 24-hours. Is there any surprise we’re getting burnt out by our marketing?

You started your business to create more freedom and flexibility in your life. You were excited to do the work you love and play a part in the change you want to see in the world.

But here you are, soulful business owner, on a treadmill of churning out marketing content and being ‘visible’ 24/7. This isn’t what you signed up for!

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Substack - Smart Marketing Move Or One To Avoid?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Substack - Smart Marketing Move Or One To Avoid?

Heard everyone going on about Substack? Already had 5 emails this week inviting you to subscribe to a friend’s Medium feed?  

And you’re wondering (or the FOMO has got you panicking into thinking) - Ahhhh! Do I need to be on Substack too? 

So how do you know when to adopt a new marketing platform. AND is Substack or Medium ‘The One’? Here’s what I think…

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Creating a Passive Income Stream From Your Live Course
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Creating a Passive Income Stream From Your Live Course

You’ve run your course live a couple of times. It sells, and better still, your students get a great result from it. Yay!

But. You’re a bit ‘over’ launching it every few months, and then having to be there live, module by module, to teach your students. 

You want to take your live course and make it a self-led passive income?

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When Is The Right Time To Build A Sales Funnel?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

When Is The Right Time To Build A Sales Funnel?

If sales funnels were the silver bullet they are often made out to be online…

You’d have set them up on DAY ONE of your business and checked out to live in the Caribbean - AMIRITE?!

The truth is, there’s a certain stage in business when a sales funnel is really going to come through for you with the GOODS.

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3 of the best introvert-friendly marketing strategies
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

3 of the best introvert-friendly marketing strategies

How would it feel to be focussed on introvert-friendly marketing instead?

How would it feel to take the pressure off yourself to be speaking to camera every day and ‘doing reels’?

Imagine if you could find a way to do your marketing while curled up on the sofa in your PJs! Read on fellow introvert! 

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Sales Funnel Not Working? Here's Why & how to increase conversion
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Sales Funnel Not Working? Here's Why & how to increase conversion

While sales funnels can be a game changer when it comes to scaling your business and increasing your income - the phrase ‘Passive income’ has a lot to answer for.

It has tricked many into thinking it’s all about setting up some savvy automated emails, having an online course…aaaand you’re done. BAM - 6-figures.

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Cleaning Your Mailing List & What To Send In A Re-Engagement Campaign
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Cleaning Your Mailing List & What To Send In A Re-Engagement Campaign

You’ve had your mailing list for a while now.

Over the last few months and years you’ve offered all sorts of free lead magnets, run a few challenges, and shared a few iterations of your newsletter. 

Aaaand as a result, you’ve got a long list of subscribers - get in!

But here’s the kicker…

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How Can I Grow My Business Without Instagram?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

How Can I Grow My Business Without Instagram?

I’ve seen so many business owners get tied to being on Instagram everyday because they get stuck in the trap of relying on it for a big chunk of their marketing and sales. It sounds like you’ve got stuck here too, but the good news is, there’s a way out.

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Never Run Out Of Marketing Content Ideas - Here's How
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Never Run Out Of Marketing Content Ideas - Here's How

You know you need to be blogging more, creating juicer podcast episodes and writing emails that people rave about - but what the heck do you talk about in your content to make that happen?

I am confident that no matter what you do in your business, it’s possible to create a never-ending bank of content ideas, using this process.

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Live Vs. Self Led Online Courses - Here’s The Hybrid Option
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Live Vs. Self Led Online Courses - Here’s The Hybrid Option

So you’re struggling to find a happy medium between running your online course with a live cohort, and offering it as an always-available evergreen offer?

I hear ya! Both evergreen and live courses have their pros and cons, and I’ve definitely experienced both sides of the coin over the last few years - as a course creator and student.

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7 Ways To Celebrate Your Business Success
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

7 Ways To Celebrate Your Business Success

Have you ever got stuck in that loop of chasing the next business milestone, or telling yourself you’ll reward yourself when you reach X-goal…

Aaaand then you reach that goal or milestone and instead of celebrating your success - what do you do? You tell yourself you’ll actually reward yourself/ be happy/ be successful/ finally feel like a BOSS when you reach the NEXT goal or milestone?

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 Getting To Know Your Target Audience
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Getting To Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your audience sits at the core of everything in your business. Knowing who your dream client is and what they want and need from you makes just about every decision further down the line in your business SO much easier.

What I’m talking about here is not just knowing who your audience are, but really understanding your audience on a deeper, emotional level.

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Mum’s Unbeatable Pumpkin Soup Recipe
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Mum’s Unbeatable Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Don't let your halloween pumpkin go to waste

This is the comforting pumpkin soup I grew up with. Earthy, rich, creamy. A sweet soup that tells you…

… cozy season is here.

A crazy 14.5 million pumpkins are expected to end up uneaten this year - madness. 🤯

Especially when pumpkin can taste this good ~ even your bog-standard carving pumpkin. 🎃

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Managing Your Shiny Ideas & Staying Focussed On Your Goals
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Managing Your Shiny Ideas & Staying Focussed On Your Goals

You’re not short of ideas. No, you’ve got way more ideas than time.

But that’s the problem, you’re struggling to figure out which ideas are all that, and which are just a distraction.

Wouldn’t it be great to know which ideas could be needle movers and which are time wasters?

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Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks


Head out into the hedgerows in May-June and you’ll find a bounty of heavily scented Elderflower heads.

This elderflower cordial recipe is soooo simple.

The most time-consuming part of this process is collecting the Elderflowers, but to me, that’s a mindful activity. Another opportunity to connect with nature and the seasons.

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