Mum’s Unbeatable Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Don't let your halloween pumpkin go to waste

This is the comforting pumpkin soup I grew up with.

Earthy, rich, creamy. A sweet soup that tells you…

… cozy season is here.

Pumpkin Soup Recipe - Josephine Brooks

A crazy 14.5 million pumpkins are expected to end up uneaten this year - madness. 🤯

Especially when pumpkin can taste this good ~ even your bog-standard carving pumpkin. 🎃

As I write this, the clocks have just gone back and it’s raining outside. Making this soup the perfect lunch to welcome in the darker months.

Make it in batches and freeze it for lazy lunches, or chuck it into the slow cooker at breakfast time for an autumn-warmer later on.

Pumpkin harvest - Josephine Brooks

Gather your ingredients

  • 🧈 Knob of butter (Plus butter to slather on a hunk of bread to serve)

  • 🧅 1 brown onion

  • 🎃 2lb / 1kg Pumpkin

  • 🥔 1 potato

  • 🥕 1 carrot

  • 🫕 1.5 pints / 850ml of vegetable stock

  • 🧂 Salt & pepper

  • 🐄 Cream and chives for serving (optional)

This recipe couldn’t be simpler. Either make it on the hob or throw everything in the slow cooker.

Pumpkin Soup Recipe Ingredients - Josephine Brooks

1 | Prepare all your veg

Chop/ peel off the pumpkin skin and chop into chunks.

Peel your potato and chop into chunks. Chop your carrot into small chunks.

Dice the onion.

2 | Cook your veg

Melt a knob of butter in a large pan and fry off the onion. Don’t let it brown. (You can skip this step if you’re making your soup in the slow cooker and you can’t be arsed with frying the onion first).

If you’re making your soup on the hob - put all the veg into a large pan and cook it for 5 minutes or so. Don’t let the veg brown.

Pumpkin Soup Handwritten Recipe -  Josephine Brooks

3 | Stir in the stock

Stir in the stock, add a generous grind of black pepper, and a little salt (beware not to add too much salt - especially if your stock is already salty).

4 | Simmer

If you’re making your soup on the slow cooker - put it onto high for an hour and then turn it down to low. (Or if you won’t be eating for a few hours - just set it to low). And leave it to cook. Ahhh the ease of slow cooking.

If you’re making your soup on the hob, simmer gently until all of the veg is tender. Usually this takes about 20mins.

5 | Wizz it up

Test that the veg is tender by poking a knife in. Get your blender out and wizz it up.

Add a little cream or milk as you blend, it’ll lighten the colour and make it a little more, well… creamy.

6 | Serve

Ladle into bowls and sprinkle with chives if you fancy, and a drizzle of cream.

Serve it with a doorstop of homemade bread loaded with salted butter.

Curl up, dunk your bread in, enjoy.

Wanna tuck this delicious treat in your pocket for later? Pin it to Pinterest:

Mum's unbeatable pumpkin soup recipe - Josephine Brooks.png

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