A place to dig deeper, go down rabbit holes and hang out with a cuppa

My Psychosis Story
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

My Psychosis Story

There’s a reason I’ve been offline for 7 weeks, eating nettles for breakfast, and ordering inflatable pink flamingos.

I had a Psychotic episode, and now I’m sharing the full story.

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Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe

Both ginger and tumeric have been found to give your immune system a boost, and aid digestion. So what’s not to love?

These little shots back a punch 😳

They certainly wake me up in the mornings, and they’re full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory goodness too.

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Using Discounts, Countdown Timers & Limited Time Offers In Your Sales Funnel
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Using Discounts, Countdown Timers & Limited Time Offers In Your Sales Funnel

For quite a few years I saw countdown timers, scarcity and limited time discounts as pushy, pressurising, and devaluing marketing tactics. ⏰⏳🏃

But recently, I’ve done a 180 on how I feel about allll-a-that stuff.

I’ve been working on a couple of projects that have got me examining how my money-conditioning and money mindset is limiting my sales. 🔎

Aaaaand the same might be happening for you too…

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Let’s Change The Language Around Passive Income
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Let’s Change The Language Around Passive Income

A LOT of the passive income messaging online is toe curling. 😬

Only this morning did I see a reel on IG about funnels and passive income that made my blood BOIL. 🤬

🤮 So much ICK. 🙄 So many false promises. 🤖 So much treating your actual-human-subscribers like stupid robots.

Which means it doesn’t sound too appealing to a value-led business owner like YOU, who wants to sell with integrity.

Ammirite? 🤷‍♀️

So… 💡 Let’s change the language around passive income shall we? ✅

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Sure, Do What You Love… But Also Make Sure You Have These Systems
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Sure, Do What You Love… But Also Make Sure You Have These Systems

You started your business to do what you love, right? 

Buuuut all too often I see people take ‘do what you love’ to mean…. 

🤎 Do what you love 24/7.

🤎 Don’t take a break from it (because you love it, so why would you?)

🤎 Show up and talk about it, be excited about it every damn day. 

Because when you do what you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life… riiiiiight?  NOPE 🙅

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Creating Passive Income is Feminism At Work 💪
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Creating Passive Income is Feminism At Work 💪

As women, we've been conditioned to expect to earn less 📉 than men... 🙄

... and have to work hard 😓 (like reallllly hard) to make our money.

For a lot of women, this belief...

(let's be honest... it's not a 'belief' 🙄 it's an evidence based reality) 

...filters through to how we work, and sell in our businesses. 🥱🤯😓

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Lead magnet ideas that Aren’t ANOTHER PDF
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Lead magnet ideas that Aren’t ANOTHER PDF

News Flash… 💥

No one wants another free ebook. 🥱

Like, do YOU 🫵 want another free PDF? 👀 Didn’t think so! 

I’m talking lead magnets today, 🎁 because, well… 

...there’s a lot of quite unimaginative free PDFs out there. 🥱

And let’s be honest… 😳

How many PDFs have you downloaded, that are now collecting dust and taking up space on your laptop? 👀

I’m going to say… many. 🗂

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The New Email Rules ~ Made Simple & Un-Boring (ish)
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

The New Email Rules ~ Made Simple & Un-Boring (ish)

What do you mean you read the words ‘upcoming changes to emailing rules’ and immediately zoned out? 🤷

JK 🤪

…who would blame you! Boring right? 🥱

Thing is… these email updates I'm about to tell you about are affecting your email deliverability from like… yesterday.

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Your Sales Funnel Doesn't Need Endless Tech, It Needs...
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Your Sales Funnel Doesn't Need Endless Tech, It Needs...

I’ve just come off a discovery call with a now-new client 😆 who told me she’d been putting off getting her sales funnel up and running because of….


It’s a story I hear over and over again.

But honestly?

👉 A good sales funnel that *DELIVERS* passive income, DOESN’T require endless tech.

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5 Things I Can't Be Arsed With At Christmas
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

5 Things I Can't Be Arsed With At Christmas

Making your christmas a simple, seasonal celebration

Christmas is that time of year when we pile SOOOO much pressure on ourselves for everything to be *perrrrrfect*.

We overthink… what other people will think. 🙄

We feel the pressure to have a INSTAGRAM-ABLE day.

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Can I DITCH Instagram Marketing If I Have A Sales Funnel?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Can I DITCH Instagram Marketing If I Have A Sales Funnel?

You're not on your own if you’re feeling sick of Instagram marketing.

If you've been on Instagram for a few years, it's hard not to notice the drop in reach and feel frustrated that you're putting a whole load of time and effort into creating content that just... *flops*.

Often we're gas-lit into thinking we need a better hook, better content, more engaging videos, MORE content ~ to get the reach and traction we want...

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What Is A Tripwire & Do I Need One?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

What Is A Tripwire & Do I Need One?

A tripwire is a  low cost, digital product that acts as a 'no brainer' introductory, or 'taster' offer, available ONLY to your new subscribers.

A tripwire is always a 100% passive product ~ ie. YOU don't need to show up or do any extra work to deliver this product.

Hence why a tripwire can be a great way to drive passive income without a huge input. 

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Promoting Your Blog Posts & Getting more views
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Promoting Your Blog Posts & Getting more views

Blog posts take work, right? So you don't want to be doing all that for most of the people in your audience NOT to see them. 😩

That's when you start resenting the content creation 🐹 hamster wheel.

You're blogging multiple times a week - I'm impressed! 🏆

Understandably, for all of that input... you want more 👀 EYEBALLS 👀 on your posts.

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When Your Marketing Feels Hard ~ Try This
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

When Your Marketing Feels Hard ~ Try This

When your marketing feels like a total slog… it’s DEMORALISING.

The endless hamster wheel of content creation while you feel like you’re shouting into an empty void.

If you’re marketing feels HARD right now. Like it’s a struggle to get it… working. You’re NOT on your own.

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3 Ways To Make More Sales From Your Emails
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

3 Ways To Make More Sales From Your Emails

Email has the highest sales conversion rate - Data & Marketing Association.

I’ve definitely found that stat 👆 to be true for me and my clients.

Your email list is where people hang out when they’ve got to know, like and trust you.

AKA when they want to hear from you on the regular, and when they’re considering working with you.

But all too often you put email off… ammi rite?

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Quick & Easy Ways to Repurpose Your Content & Cut Your Marketing Hours
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Quick & Easy Ways to Repurpose Your Content & Cut Your Marketing Hours

Here’s how you CUT your content creation time, and DOUBLE the impact

Imagine if your marketing took half the time, but delivered more sales. 💡

I'm excited for you to make this happen, by getting more intentional and efficient with your marketing, so you can free up some damn time! 🏖🍹

Because more work doesn’t necessarily = more sales.

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My Mental Health Journey So Far…
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

My Mental Health Journey So Far…

I heard from a few people that sharing why I cancelled my launch and what was going on with my mental health helped them feel more 'normal'.

Because let's be honest there's A LOT of hot air online about what success looks like.

So today, as it's World Mental Health day tomorrow, I'm going to share a realllllly honest mental health update, and my experience of everything that comes with mental health struggles.

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Foraging ~ The New Mindfulness Hack
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Foraging ~ The New Mindfulness Hack

From the footpaths and country lanes around my home, I’ve gathered: apples, pears, walnuts, chestnuts, conkers, rosehips, hawthorn berries, quinces, juniper berries.

There are three apple trees in the hedge line of a country lane near me, heaaaaaving with the most delicious red eating apples.

I feel like a squirrel preparing for winter.

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Can You Drive Passive Income With A Small Mailing List?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Can You Drive Passive Income With A Small Mailing List?

Passive income sounds like the silver bullet doesn't it. 🪄

Across the internet we see passive income branded as the easiest way to make millions... overnight... whilst doing nothing... 🙄💤

Online, passive income is branded as... well... PASSIVE.

But there's an important distinction between passive income 💸 and passive marketing 📈

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Which Passive Income Stream Is Right For Me?
Josephine Brooks Josephine Brooks

Which Passive Income Stream Is Right For Me?

So you want passive income...

AKA you want F~R~E~E~D~O~M from having to show up to drive EVERY-single-sale?

(I hear ya!)

But you're not sure WHAT you're going to sell to create said passive income?

Let's figure it out together.

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