Your Sales Funnel Doesn't Need Endless Tech, It Needs...

I’ve just come off a discovery call with a now-new client 😆 who told me she’d been putting off  getting her sales funnel up and running because of….


It’s a story I hear over and over again. 

But honestly? 

👉 A good sales funnel that *DELIVERS* passive income, DOESN’T require endless tech. 

Your sales funnel doesn’t need expiring masterclasses, countdown timers, discounts, order bumps, down sells… to ~WORK~

[Which, side note: means a waaaaay less complex funnel, less maintenance, less things to ‘go wrong’ and less tech subscriptions to manage - RESULT 👌]. 

The funnels I build don’t revolve around endless tech.

In fact, tech-wise, I just need my clients to have:

  • ✅ A website

  • ✅ An email marketing platform

That's it. 

The funnels I build are centred around the actually *important* ingredients needed to deliver feel-good passive income… which include…

1 | A bloody GREAT passive offer.

Before you build your funnel, you need a tried and tested passive offer.

The kind of offer your students & clients rave about.

The kind of offer that delivers 5⭐️ results.

And that means it needs to be: 

  • 🌲 Evergreen (always available to buy, with immediate access)

  • 🏆 Un-overwhelming and easy to progress through and complete (so your clients get the result you promise)

  • 👯 Supportive (have somewhere students can go to ask questions if they get stuck - to offer that 5⭐️ experience)

How can you tell if you’ve got a bloody great offer? 

👉 When it’s delivering the promised result to your clients and students. That’s it. 

2 | Consistent leads

Your sales funnel is like a car. 🏎

You can build the best car in the world, but without fuel it’s going… NOWHERE

Same goes with your funnel. 

You can have the best funnel EVER, but without leads it’s not going to drive any sales. 💸 

In other words, you need to have a strategy in place to 'FEED' your sales funnel with a consistent stream of new, ideal-client subscribers. 

This might be via:

  • 🧑‍💻 SEO traffic to your website

  • 📱 Organic social media activity

  • 🤖 Ads 

Chances are - it's going to me a mix of all the above.

3 | It’s part of a holistic marketing approach

Sure, you could set your sales funnel live, and drive a load of leads to it from Facebook ads… and it will drive some sales. 


Your potential buyers NEED touch points. 💞

  • 📱 They need to see you on Instagram (not just ads)

  • 🎙 hear you speak on podcasts

  • 💌 see your funnel emails & regular weekly emails land in their inbox

  • 🍿 see you pop up on YouTube

  • 💬 hear your name as a recommendation.

To build that all important connection that takes your audience from people following you on the ‘gram… to become buyers. 

I’m not saying you need to be across allll of those marketing platforms, but…

Your funnel and facebook ads work best as part of a holistic, active marketing strategy. 


So if it’s the tech 😱 that’s putting you off getting your sales funnel up and running, but you have those other ingredients up there 👆 in place…

You’re leaving money on the table, & working waaaay too hard! 🤦

It's time to get your simple, but game-changing sales funnel built, and your passive income fired up! 🔥

Here's how I can help you get passive income flowing yourway, pronto! ⬇️


Let’s get passive income flowing to you in 30-days, so you can SCALE your business the sustainable way


Your ticket to easeful business growth, passive income & *REAL* freedom. 


This post was first shared with my email community. Subscribe below to


Where I share what’s working (and what’s not 🤦) to power up your passive income ~ delivered to your inbox every week.


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Your sales funnel doesn't need ENDLESS TECH, it needs this... Josephine Brooks

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