Which Passive Income Stream Is Right For Me?

Online courses, digital products and live offers - which is the right sales funnel product for you…

Dear Josephine,

I sooo need to figure out what my passive income stream could be - because I really need passive income.

But where do I even start?

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Dear where-do-i-even-start,

So you want passive income...

AKA you want F~R~E~E~D~O~M from having to show up to drive EVERY-single-sale?

(I hear ya!)

But you're not sure WHAT you're going to sell to create said passive income?

Let's figure it out together.

First, let's define what a passive income stream is...

Passive income stream:

A product you create once, and then sell it over and over again with no additional work needed to deliver the product.

Sounds juicy right? Yaaas please! πŸ™‹

Classic passive income streams include:

  • πŸŽ“ Online courses

  • πŸ“š Digital products - ebooks, online trainings, templates etc.

So you want one of those?

But actually, I want you to forget about the passive income for a second...

…while we figure out what your passive income stream could be.

Yeah.. πŸ€” doesn't make sense... but it will.

'No-Brainer' low investment passive income streams

I usually find my ​done-for-you​ clients have a workshop or set of templates floating around that can become a low cost 'tripwire offer'.

So, firstly, what low hanging fruit have you got? 🍎 What have you delivered in the past that could be a passive income stream?

Online workshops, trainings, lessons ~ that got a great result for your buyers.

You might already have recordings of these in the vault. Or you could spend an afternoon creating a recorded version.

Or perhaps you've created templates, dashboards, tools, ebooks in the past that could become a low-cost passive income stream.

Online Courses As Passive Income Streams

Here's what I see working best for my clients as their passive income stream...

  • πŸŽ“ A self-paced online course

  • πŸ’° Priced around Β£$350-600

  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» With a live element - perhaps a monthly group coaching call or coworking session, or a community where students can ask questions, where they host a monthly Q&A.

  • πŸ† That they have live-launched before and delivered live - so they know it sells βœ… and delivers a great results for buyers βœ…

If you have a course or program you've run live, and you know it delivers great results - πŸ’‘ there's your passive income stream.

If it's a live course right now… you could turn it into an evergreen course.

If you don't have that live course yet... Do you have a service that you deliver in person that you could codify into a digital product?

That's how my course Freedom Friendly Marketing came to life.

I was booked out with ​done-for-you​ projects, and I'd created a proven process to build sales funnels that deliver... sales.

I wanted to share it with a wider audience, so my course was born. And right now I'm working on giving it a glow up before releasing it as a self-paced digital product.

Could you do the same?

Non-Passive Income Streams

Before I wrap up, I need to add that...

You don't need to have a passive income stream to boost your income with a sales funnel.

You could build a sales funnel to drive discovery calls for your 1:1 offer. Or build a waitlist for your live course launches.

This isn't truly 'passive income' driving but it's still automating some of the marketing and sales tasks that you're currently doing in person.

I have a few friends who just bloody love working 1:1 with their clients πŸ’ž and don't want to do that whole passive thing.

If you're the same AND you have a non-passive income stream that you love delivering - make that your sales funnel offer. ~ So you can cut down on the in-person marketing πŸ˜… and focus in on the in-person delivery you love. πŸ’•

Is your mind buzzing with ideas right now? Cool!

Use it - go and finesse your passive/ not so passive income stream, give the sales page a glow up - and get your sales funnel driving sales & enquiries to you.

Josephine x


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