Never Run Out Of Marketing Content Ideas - Here's How

Help! I don’t know what to talk about in my content, I’ve run out of ideas. I don’t have anything to say that’s new or interesting…

…I beg to differ

You know you need to be blogging more, creating juicer podcast episodes and writing emails that people rave about - but what the heck do you talk about in your content to make that happen?

I am confident that no matter what you do in your business, it’s possible to create a never-ending bank of content ideas, using this process.

There are endless topics for you to create content around, and before you think ‘but someone else has already done it’ - no one has covered YOUR approach, viewpoint, thoughts or approach to that topic.

Never run out of content ideas - how to create a never ending list of content ideas, I don_t know what to write about for my marketing content, Knowing what to talk about on your podcast - Josephine Brooks

But I’ve asked my audience what they want to hear from me in my marketing content, and it was tumble weed!

Maybe you have asked what people want to hear from you in your Instagram stories, in an email or you’ve even sent out a survey.  But… tumbleweed.

The problem with this approach to coming up with content ideas is not because you have nothing new to say, it’s because you’re asking your audience WAAAAY to big of a question.

Your people are scrolling at 100MPH and then you want them to stop, think about what you should have in your content calendar, and then carry on? Yeah…. That’s just not going to happen. (Damn it)!

You need to put in the work to figure out what people want to hear from you – but it’s really not as difficult as you might think.

Start with your audience

Pain Points

There are two very important things you need to know about your audience before you can create your content bank, because this. is where the bulk of your content ideas will come from.

First, you need to understand their pain points - what their challenges are, what they struggle with, what bugs them, what pisses them off, what they’re frustrated about, what gets them down - that you can help them with. Fill in the X’s…

  • They’ve tried everything to X but they just can’t seem to X

  • They’re struggling to X

  • Their lack of X is really getting to them

  • They feel x all the time

  • They’re frustrated with X

  • They just need some X but can’t find the right X

Goals & dreams

The second most important thing to understand is your audience’s their dreams, goals, aspirations, wants and needs. Fill in the X’s

  • They dream of X

  • They want to feel X about X

  • Their big goal right now is to X

  • They want to have X

  • They want to find X

  • They aspire to be X

Once you have this information you can come up with a ton of content ideas.

Use your knowledge of your audience to brainstorm content ideas

For the ideal client who can’t find art to reflect their style and wants to feel safe and cosy in their home, they might be interested in…

  • The 3 mistakes you’re making with lighting that’s making your home feel off

  • How to hang a gallery wall

  • Where to find art for your home that reflects your style

  • 5 things to consider when you’re creating your personal home-style

  • 3 pieces for your home that will make it feel ten-times more cosy

 For the ideal client who dreams of making their own clothes to suit their quirky style, but can’t seem to get on with a sewing machine, they might be interested in…

  • When your bobbin thread always gets stuck, try this hack

  • 3 tips for cutting your next dress pattern

  • Why you’re struggling to sew darts - and how to nail it next time

  • My favourite fabric shops in London

  • What you get from an online course that you don’t get from an in-person sewing workshop

For the person who’s fed up with social media and wants another way to market their business, they might be interested in:

  • 5 ways to grow your business WITHOUT social media

  • 3 examples of successful businesses that operate without social media

  • How to create better boundaries with social media

  • Yes you can build your business without social media – here’s how

  • The 1 thing you need to be focusing on if you want to ditch social media in your business

Use your values & brand messaging

The purpose of your content is to move people along your customer journey, from discovering you to get to know, like and trust you, to becoming a client or customer.

The types of pieces of content I’ve shared above are great for serving your audience, giving them value and building trust with your brand.

But you also need content that’s going to connect with your people on a personal level – to help build that emotional connection with your brand. This is where content around your brand messaging comes in.

Think about your values, your story and why you do what you do and share that. Keep repeating your story and experiences. Eg.

* 5 things I learned from… * Don’t make the same mistake I did with… * How I grew my business without social media * How I found my way out of…[audiences struggle] * Why x-value is so important to me, and how it makes me be a better…x

 Remember your services & offers!

Once someone has hung out on your blog, and listened to your podcast for a while, they’ve got to know, like and trust you and what you do. They’re starting to think about working with. you or joining one of your programmes.

They are going to need content that helps them decide if your offer is the right fit for them. This is the content where you’re speaking directly to your offers and how they help you, in other words - conversion or sales content that looks like

  • 3 game-changing things you get when you work with me

  • How to hang one of. my art prints in your home

  • Why I might not be the right coach for you

  • How NAME grew her business without social media while working with me

  • How I can help you feel more relaxed and less stressed

Building your content ideas bank

Use all of the areas above to help you brainstorm a ton of ideas. Let’s recap on what those areas are:

  • Your audience

    • Their pain points: struggles, challenges and frustrations

    • Their dreams and goals: aspirations, wants and needs

  • Your brand messaging

    • Your story

    • Your values

    • What makes you unique

    • Your personality and personal stories

  • Your offers

    • How they help people solve their pain points and achieve their goals

    • Help your ideal client identify if they are the right fit for your offers

So, now you’ve got a ton of content ideas for your introvert-friendly evergreen marketing and social media posts. Get them saved down in a Google doc or spreadsheet and you’ve got a never-ending bank of content ideas to keep circulating through. 

And don’t forget to re-purpose your content. Once you’ve created a blog post on a topic, chances are that can become 10 instagram posts, 10 pinnable images, a video, a podcast episode, a downloadable, a workshop or a guest post for someone else’s blog.

Wanna back-pocket this post for your next marketing brainstorm? Pin it for later.

Never run out of content ideas - how to create a never ending list of content ideas, I don't know what to write about for my marketing content, Knowing what to talk about on your podcast | Josephine Brooks.png

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