Scale Your Business By Decluttering Your Business

If you want to scale your business, it’s all about simplifying to amplify!

In the process of building a business I’m willing to bet you’ve experimented with all sorts…

  • Different courses and programs

  • Different webinars, challenges and workshops

  • Different freebies and lead magnets

  • And perhaps even different audiences and niches

But then you wake up one day and realise… everything in your business feels like a lot to juggle. Right?

There’s a pile of products and lead magnets you need to be managing and promoting, and they serve a wide aray of people at different stages… and it’s all starts to feel very cluttered and dis-organised.

If that’s you… it’s time for a business declutter.

Josephine Brooks working at a desk

Don’t you wish you could be that person at school who always knew they wanted to be a vet, and then they trained to be a vet, and now… they’re a vet?

How much eeeeeasier would that be!?

But if you’re an entrepreneur who’s experimented with different kinds of courses, workshops, content, topics… chances are you’re a multifaceted human…

MULTIFACETED - adjective

Having many different parts or sides

This means, you have lots of different interests. One month you’re obsessed with one idea, the next month you want to talk about, or help your people with something else.

I get it! I get it because I’m a multifaceted human too.

Over the course of my business [scratch that], businesses *plural* I have gone through seasons of being ob-sessed with one thing, and then feeling curious about another.

Offering one course, and then the next quarter, another new programme, and the next quarter - serving an audience at a different stage to the last month.

But here’s the thing - when you’re doing one thing one month, and something else the next - it confuses people.

People don’t get what you’re about, they don’t get what you stand for and what you do - AKA a marketing nightmare!

Now I’m NOT saying there’s no room for changes, pivots and evolutions.

In fact there HAS to be room for these things because as humans we’re constantly growing and changing (especially as business owners). And the online world is certainly evolving and changing… like, every day.

The chances are, you’re never going to land on one thing, and be obsessed with it forever more. You will continue to explore new avenues, help your clients with different things and have your curiosity pulled in lots of different directions.

So, you need to find the sweet spot between…

… growing, evolving, changing in your business, AND getting known - solidly known for something.

It’s time to double down on your WHY.

For me, with all of my pivots and new versions there has always been one constant.


Everything I’ve ever done in my business has always linked back to creating freedom. For myself, and for others.

The HOW and the WHAT has looked different from time to time, but my WHY has remained constant.

Think back to all of the seasons you’ve been through, all of the things you’ve done in your business - what’s the constant?

What’s the purpose or driver behind it all?

If you can understand and articulate ~WHY~ that’s so important to you - there’s the anchor of your messaging that enables you to stay focussed, whilst pivoting into whatever the heck it is you feel excited about in your business.

Declutter your business

Now the question of how to simplify your business. Here are some actions and next steps:

  • Update your brand messaging - define your WHY and your MISSION in a couple of sentences each. I have a brand doc where I save all of these statements that I’m in pretty much daily.

  • Define your audience - WHO do you help? What are their struggles and challenges, and what are their goals, wants, needs? Are there any audience groups you need to let go of? Are you trying to serve too many people?

  • Look at your products - what do you love to sell and deliver? Which offers sell well and deliver a great result for your people? What could you let go of that doesn’t fit with your WHY?

A note on products: You might have some legacy products that you’re not so excited about anymore BUT you know they deliver great results for people AND you’ve got all of the assets pretty much ready to go.

Turn these into self-led courses or digital products.

That way you can continue to drive sales from the things you were obsessed with two,three years ago but don’t want to deliver ‘live’ any more.

Even if you’re not actively pushing those products in your marketing, it’s worth having them available to buy on your website (and even better if you set up a sales funnel for them).

  • Look at your collection of old lead magnets - marry those up to the products they are related to. Ask yourself - If someone signs up to this, what problem is that helping them with, and which product does it set them up for, or which product could help them further with this? The lead magnets that don’t relate to any of your products after your product declutter, are the lead magnets you need to declutter too.

Declutter your marketing

Now you’ve got your foundations in place ^^ it’s time to figure out how you’re going to communicate your brand message to your people and sell your products.

So ask yourself:

  1. What do you want your marketing to look like? And feel like?

  2. Which channels do you love creating content for and being on?

  3. Which marketing channels are your people on?

  4. What marketing activities or channels could you let go of or do differently to make things simpler?

Here’s the tough thing about simplifying.

It involves *letting go*.

And that’s hard for us because we’re not conditioned or taught to let go. We’re conditioned to want, have, be more, more, MORE!

When it comes to simplifying your business - experiment with letting things go rather than making it feel so final.

Feeling a bit ‘over’ that product or feeling scared to hit pause on that marketing channel?

Experiment without it for a few months and see what you learn and how you feel.

I’m excited for you to embrace your multifaceted-human-ness and stop feeling like you’ve got to put yourself in a box.

And all whilst simplifying your business around your WHY so you get that delicious mix of being able to embrace all of your creative curiosities without overwhelming yourself and confusing your audience.

Josephine x


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