Here's What You *DON’T* Need To Scale Your Business (& What To Do Instead)

Scale your business they said… have the sellout launch they said, drive passive income in your sleep they said…

…and yet - you’re feeling more exhausted than ever

I get it, the online world is a noisy place.

As you’re growing your business, you’re constantly hearing… MORE, FASTER, SHINIER.

And let’s be honest. The shiny, fast, sexy stuff works, and it’s fun… for a while.

Over the last few years you’ve been putting the hours in until you’ve

  • Figured out how to run a successful launch.

  • Built an audience on Instagram who invest in your offers, courses and programs.

  • Found a way to drive a healthy, consistent income…

Props to you!

But… it’s taken a superhuman effort.

And now… you’ve reached a stage where keeping up those levels of energy has beomce impossible.

You’ve got an eye-watering screen time on Instagram, your to-do list of marketing tasks is never ending, and you’re worried about taking a week off because you know your revenue will bomb (and not in a good way).

What the HECK do I need to do to scale my business? You ask yourself!

Is it 12-hour working days and endless energy drinks (yuck).

Well, what I can say is… nope it’s not that (thank GOD!)

Here’s the truth - what got you to where you are now in your business, isn’t going to get you to the next BIG, S.C.A.L.E. sized milestone.

If fact, repeating what got you to the level you’re at right now in your business is ACTUALLY stopping you from scaling your business 🤦‍♀️

The solution to scaling your business isn’t as exhausting & terrifying as you might think - BUT some of the things I’m about to share with you might surprise you.

Here’s what you DON’T need to scale your business (& what to do instead).

ANOTHER new programme... Seriously!

I’m all for experimenting, really.

But once you’re tried a gazillion different programmes, courses, digital products, events, masterclasses… It’s time to REFINE!

It’s time to pick one or two offers you love doing, that deliver great results for your clients - and focus on making them the BEST thing ever, that deliver 5-star results for your clients and students.

Because when you want to scale, it’s always going to be easier to get know for, and sell 2 or 3 things a year (tops) than be launching a new offer every month. phew!

ANOTHER sell out launch - yes really!

Real talk, behind the sell out launches and 20-figure-months *sigh* the launch cycle SUCKS.

There are too many entrepreneurs out there with a business model that makes them almost fully reliant on their next launch. And the one after that. And the one after that…

No shade being thrown here. I’ve been stuck in the launch cycle myself! And for me, that ended in a YEAR of wading through burnout treacle - NOT fun.

To SCALE the sustainable way… you need sustainable marketing.


Value-packed content -> opt-in freebie -> sales funnel -> sales on auto-pilot

Your sales funnel should be at work 24/7 *so you don’t have to be*!

ANOTHER year stuck on the social media hamster wheel - I know, this one hurts

Ahhhh social media.

I’ve written before about my *feelings* around Instagram.

So often I see entrepreneurs get tied into what I call… the Instagram handcuffs.

You find yourself spending more and more time creating social media content, and hanging out there in the name of ‘engagement’ for less and less return. It becomes a frustrating time-suck - sound familiar at all?

The problem is - all that time spent on the Instagram hamster wheel is taking you away from your sustainable marketing. (Because spoiler - social media ain’t especially sustainable).

The time you’re spending on social media prevents you from spending that time nurturing your website (AKA your businesses home on the internet).

The place that attracts people who love what you do and WANT you in their inbox - for FREE, on REPEAT - via your blog, podcast, video or email content.

So, what do you need instead?

Here's the TL:DR take-away... Your sustainable marketing strategy & your sales funnel should be working 24/7 - so you don't have to.

This power couple (sustainable marketing + a sales funnel) is the sustainable approach to scaling your business WITHOUT burning out.

This powerful combo helps my clients sell on autopilot & replace their reliance on exhausting launches and the social media hamster wheel!

If you wanna piece of that - you can find out more about working with me here.


Wanna save this post so you can come back to it when your next launch is done, and you’re ready to power up your passive income?

What You DON'T Need To SCALE your business (& What To Do Instead) - Josephine Brooks
What You DON'T Need To SCALE your business (& What To Do Instead to step back from launching & social media) - Josephine Brooks

You Need An Evergreen Sales Funnel ~ Here's Why


Sales Funnel Vs Marketing Funnel - What’s The Difference?