Marketing Without Social Media (Or Just Less Reliance On Instagram)!

Marketing without relying on Instagram & TikTok for every click, sign up and sale

I’m guessing you’re here because you’ve found yourself in a bit of a social media marketing trap. The Instagram handcuffs if you will.

You’ve found yourself spending more and more time creating social media content, and hanging out there in the name of ‘engagement’ for less and less return. 

You’re sick of the hamster wheel of content creation that is social media marketing, and you want to do marketing and sales for your business in a more sustainable, fulfilling and nurturing way. 

You want to get the heck off social media, or at least rely on it a lot less for your marketing and sales…

BUT. And it’s a big but… it’s where your clicks, sign ups and sales are currently coming from.

Is social media working for you as a business marketing tool? Or are you working for social media? 

Whether you want to get off social media completely OR just take a step back from Instagram and TikTok, there’s a WHOLE HOST of other things you can do to grow your business without social media.

Marketing without relying on social media for every click, sign up and sale - Growing your business without Instagram & tiktok - Josephine Brooks

Over the last 8 months I’ve run my business almost completely without social media.

My services have been booked up for the majority of that time, and sometimes over capacity (that was a learning curve around saying NO)! And during those 8-months, I’ve had the best 8-months financially in my business - all without social media. 

I’m going to share HOW I’ve remained booked out, without the help of social media in this post. AND I’m going to share some other options for marketing without social media. 

But first, I want to talk about what I learned 8-months without marketing on social media. 

What I learned from 8-months without marketing on social media

*AH-HA* moment’s incoming…

It’s no secret that my relationship with Instagram has been ~up~and~down~ this year (2022). 

The gram was once a creative and nurturing space for me. I used to enjoy spending time there chatting with people, and spending whole days creating content for it. My bulk photo-taking days used to be some of my favourite days. 

But when I hit burnout at the end of 2021 social media started to feel like a meaningless circus. 

I noticed how I was feeling pressured to use trending audios, and focus on my ‘hook’ (which must be delivered in the first second of your reel of course).

This was all becoming more important than genuinely being creative, and sharing what I genuinely felt inspired by. 

I noticed how my feed was full of reels with the same voiceovers and audios. I saw lots of quotes overlaid on beautiful backdrops that didn’t really offer anything. ‘Live your best life’, ‘you are enough’ - great thanks. 

It felt very… throw away. Disposable content.

It all felt like a U-turn from the creativity social media used to be about. Or maybe no one’s feeling that inspired any more because we’re all exhausted by the intensive pace of social media. Whatdda ya recon?

OK, OK so I was feeling pretty ‘over’ social media - thanks to burnout.

Yes I know… I should have had ‘better boundaries’ I could have ‘muted’ people and set ‘time limits’.

OHHH PLEASE….! Those measures are really just social media companies giving lip service to an agenda around mental health that they feel they really need to be showing an interest in… for optics

Meanwhile they get the world’s best psychologists on board to figure out how they can get us ADDICTED to social media.

Because the more time we spend on social,the more ads they can show us, the more money they make. Sorry to be cynical

I stopped doing any marketing on social media and I deleted Instagram & TikTok from my phone. **PHEW** what a game-changer!

For most of this year I haven’t had the app on my phone, I’ve gone months without posting on social media or using it as a marketing channel and I’ve gone weeks without looking at it. 

In that time I learned a huge amount about what the impact social media was having on me - and may well be having on you too. 

The big thing I noticed was how much headspace I got back when I deleted Instagram and TikTok from my phone. 

Without subconsciously reaching for social media on my phone, I found a new level of focus, headspace, creative inspiration, self-trust and freedom. 

Not only is social media a distraction, but I’ve also noticed how much just having it in my life breaks up my flow and that sense of deep work I can get into without social media hankering for my attention.

Over the last few months I’ve also had the strongest sense of self-trust I can ever remember. 

I wasn’t looking at what everyone else was up to and thinking - oh I really need to get on that, or ohhhh that looks like it’s working for her, let’s try it for ME

Without a doubt social media influences my decision making, leaves me feeling scattered, FO-MO-Y and comparison-y. And when I’m not on social media I feel so much more confident, I trust myself more and I’m much more focussed. 

Josephine Brooks - Sales Funnel & Evergreen Marketing Strategist - sat on a blue sofa, wearing a white knit jumper drinking a cup of tea

I think this is especially the case for introverted, sensitive, empathetic people. Wouldn’t you agree?

As an introvert, social media feels so overwhelming. I only need to have 5 unread DMs to start feeling the weight of expectation from the app. 

There’s a reason for those little red dots and numbers in your messages icon, that are impossible to ignore. There’s a reason why they reward you with exposure for replying to all your messages and comments - it keeps you on the app, and the people you’re messaging. KERCHINGGG - more dollars for them. Again… sorry to be cynical!

I recently read about some research done by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar. The theory of Dunbar’s number concludes that we can only maintain about 150 meaningful connections at once. No wonder instagram is exhausting - especially for us introverts.

During my social media hiatus, I also lost that sense of needing to capture every moment on video, in the name of content. 

I went away for 3-weeks in August and actually saw things with my own eyes, rather than feeling I needed to take a picture of every moment - to prove I was cool, I had a life and I’d *been places*. EWWWWWW.

I lost that sense that every time I had an AH-HA moment I had to jump on Instagram stories to share it. And I let go of the anxiety around my stories ‘running out’. IMAGINE not having any stories live…. Again, EWWWWW. 

Talk about a hamster wheel of 24hour content creation.

THAT doesn’t feature in my vision of the freedom-friendly business I’m building. 

Without social media, I was actually living in the moment.

And forgive me for being morbid but I don’t think I’m going to be laying on my deathbed saying ‘I wish I’d spent more time on Instagram’. 

From 8-months without social media here’s the BIG take away I got.


If we let it, social media can steal our life minutes, our ability to live in the moment and our ability to feel alive!

Do you ever feel the same about social media? Do you ever have that feeling in your gut that it’s just not that healthy?

But then… September rolled around and as I emerged from burnout I was excited to create some courses that help people DIY their sales funnels and evergreen marketing strategy (especially as I was at capacity with my done-for-you service). 

The old stories came creeping back in. If you want to run a course, if you want to scale - you need to get back on the ‘gram. 

So, I got back on Instagram, and even on TikTok. ‘Course I did *eye-roll*.

From just a few days of being back on social media again, I was already feeling more and more uninspired, irritable, FOMO-Y and comparison-y.  My intuition shouted - GET. OFF. HERE!  

My intuition shouted louder when I went for a walk and a perfect V-shaped flight of geese flew over me. Rather than my first thought being - how beautiful, how calming this moment in nature is… NO.

It was QUICK! Get my phone out, I NEEEDDDD to capture this, it might make a nice background for a reel. *GROSS*. 

With more focus on my time than ever before (owing to being at capacity with my services). I realised that to strategically plan, create, share and engage with one social media post I needed 45 minutes for every post. Every post! To create content that has a shelf life of about 2-3 days.

Social media just didn’t feel right, and it was taking up waaay more time than I wanted it to be.

How much time does social media take up in your business? And how much headspace does it claim? Be honest now! If you’re not sure, set up your screen time - it will shock you, trust me!

What return are you getting for the time you spend planning, creating, sharing and engaging on social media? Is it where you want it to be? If so, great! If not, it’s time to look at how you use social media for business.

I know that was an epic winge about social media, and it got a little dark there didn’t it! LET’S NOT SHIT ALLLLL over social media. There are some BIG positives to social media (otherwise we wouldn’t all be hanging out there)! Heres are a few things I love about socials:

  • Sometimes I enjoy being there, creating content for it and engaging. Juuust not anywhere near the frequency that social media gurus suggest I should be on there posting and engaging.

  • It’s a free marketing tool where you can reach thousands of people at the touch of a button - let’s not forget that. And let’s be honest, it works! Right? That’s why you’re active on socials. It’s driving your clicks, sales etc. 

  • I’ve worked with some flippin’ dreammmmy clients I’ve met on social media.

  • Social Media has enabled me to stay in touch with like minded souls all over the world.

  • I’ve learned loads, I’ve been entertained and I’ve been inspired thanks to tons of social media posts.

  • It’s where my ideal clients hang out - and that’s a BIG, important consideration with marketing. 

So when I’m *feeling* social media - its’ a great place to be. BUT… If this was a pros and cons list, the cons would definitely outbalance the pros - for me. 

Here’s the kicker. I’m committed to building a business that helps me create freedom, for myself, and for others. The way I was using social media for my marketing wasn’t helping me do that.

I had two options…

Get off social media completely, or find a way of using Instagram and TikTok that felt healthy, that served me, and that felt good. 

If you’re feeling even an ounce of how I’m feeling about social media, it makes complete sense that you’re here, looking for non-social media ways to grow your business. 

When I did the keyword research for this blog post one phrase kept coming up in the suggested search terms - I hate social media BUT need it for business. And in my audience research, something I KEEP hearing is I’m spending SO much time on social media for very little return

It makes me sad. As business owners, we feel tied to social media. We’re in a toxic co-dependant relationship with social media. 

Your marketing should be nurturing, not draining - Josephine Brooks - Marketing without Instagram & TikTok

Your marketing should be nurturing, not draining

If you’re still enjoying social media, you find it a valuable place to be and you like creating content for it - GREAT!

IF you’re feeling you’d like to back away from relying on social media for your business marketing, and spend less time there. OR you want to get off socials completely - I get it. I completely get it. And there is another way to grow your business, YOU REBEL, YOU! 

Even if you want to completely ditch social media as a marketing tool, the chances are you’ll need to wean yourself and your marketing off it first.

I’m talking about powering up your evergreen marketing and strengthening your non-social media marketing channels before you go cold turkey on the ‘gram. 

What is the role of social media in your marketing?

Start by asking yourself - what is the role social media is currently playing in your business marketing? Let’s think of your customer journey, and the jobs of your marketing at each stage:

  1. Marketing that helps the right people DISCOVER you and your brand

  2. Marketing that NURTURES your people from just discovered you to becoming a raving fan of your work

  3. Marketing that communicates what you do, how you can help people and INVITES THEM TO BUY from you.

In that list, what’s social media doing for you?

If it’s just the nurture bit - you need to find some other ways to nurture your audience.

If it’s the whole shebang, you’ll have to find another way to do those jobs for your business, outside of social media.

If you’re not sure what your social media content is doing for you, it simply might not be working! You might be creating and sharing content on social media because it FEELS productive, but if it’s not working, it’s DEFINITELY time to power up your non-social-media-marketing!

Marketing channels that AREN’T social media

Ok, you know what gaps you need to fill in your non-social media marketing.

Next you need to figure out how you can replace social media in those gaps with other marketing activities.

Here are some alternative marketing channels to social media, and what marketing ‘jobs’ they’re best suited for along your customer journey.


Optimising your blog content, and website to rank higher in the search results on Google. 

Outreach & collaborations - DISCOVERY

Finding people who reach your ideal audience and speaking on their podcasts, writing guest posts for their blogs. Collaborating with people (giving them a product to share their experience of with their audience, doing an ad with an influencer, doing a joint giveaway).   

Speaking at events - DISCOVERY

Speaking at the events where your ideal clients hangout. 


Getting featured in magazines, online articles and in the news that your ideal audience reads. This exercise is also great for building trust when you’re associated with a trusted magazine or news outlet. 

Pinterest - DISCOVERY

Pinterest is becoming a bit of a hybrid - search engine for images combined with social media (I’ve got my eye on you Pinterest…).

If you’re blogging, Pinterest is a great place to share pinnable images that click through to your blog and drives traffic to your website (and from there you’ll invite them on to your mailing list - right)?


Building up the blog content on your website is like nurturing your home on the internet.

You website is where you want people to hangout, find their way on to your mailing list and buy from you. Blogging is a great way to get people over to your website and offer them great value while they are there.


If you don’t love writing. If you’re more of a talker, podcasting is a great way to nurture your audience. Especially because they get to hear you and get to know your personality better - which is great for building emotional connections with your audience.

Bonus points for adding your show notes to your blog. 

Video content - DISCOVERY & NURTURE

A bit like podcasting, if you love video format over writing, create videos, stick ‘em on YouTube (AKA another brilliant place to get discovered). And link the notes back to the full post on your blog. 

Evergreen sales funnels - NURTURE & INVITE TO BUY

One of my big bug bears about social media is that you’ve got to be there, constantly churning out content and hustling for every click.

Evergreen sales funnels help to automate your marketing by doing the job of nurturing your audience and inviting them to buy from you through a sequence of emails (which are of course PACKED with great stuff). I’m not talking about those icky, countdown timer-y sales funnels here, I’m talking value-led sales funnels.

Your mailing list - NURTURE & INVITE TO BUY

Growing your mailing list (including getting your social media following onto your mailing list).

AND consistently emailing your people with great content (I see you, if you've grown your list but aren't sending the emails)! My weekly emails are probably my favourite way to do marketing right now. 


Winning an award and featuring the heck out of it on your website is a great way to build trust by showing you’re an expert in your field. So get applying for those awards now! 

Talking to people - INVITE TO BUY

This has been the MOST successful marketing tool I’ve used over the last 8-months to book out my business WITHOUT social media….

I know.. old school!

Get talking to people at your local co-working space. Chat to people on the same courses or group programmes as you. Go to in-person events. Message a few people you often find yourself chatting with on social media and set up a zoom-coffee-date, or an in-person mastermind day. 

Yes, YOU ARE going to have to put yourself out there BUT these connections are so-damn-powerful, and just bloody lovely to have as a business owner for support as well! 

You might be thinking, this is great for you when you’re selling high-ticket services, it’s not going to work for selling my mini-courses. I hear ya! I know this isn’t going to be the most powerful marketing solution for everyone, after all you’ve got to play to your strengths, but don’t write it off! 

I have a few private mentoring clients that took this networking/ talking to people approach: 

  • One client found one of her first clients on a train - they got talking on a train journey

  • One client found one of her first clients in a cafe - overhearing a conversation

  • One client found a new client by sharing her services in a whatsapp group she’d set up with friends

  • One client found an illustration commission through speaking to a local contact

Weaning yourself, and your marketing off social media

Whether you want to ditch social media completely or just spend less time there, it’s likely going to have to be a gradual thing - especially if it’s where your clicks, sign ups and sales are coming from right now

It’s time to change your approach with social media, make it easier on yourself and feel a whole load better about being there. 

Detach from the likes, comments and views

Stop checking your insights daily. Stop posting and going back 20-minutes later to see how many views your post got.

Sure, detaching from the numbers (especially vanity metrics) on social media is going to take some time. Afterall, the social media companies know what they’re doing when it comes to tapping into our need for dopamine hits and validation… But also, it’ll get easier as you strengthen your non-social media marketing channels and aren’t relying on socials so much for your clicks and sales. 

Shift your mindset

Instead of focussing on social media first, then telling yourself you should be repurposing your social media content into evergreen content.

Focus on creating your evergreen content first and creating social media content off the back of it.

Find a way of doing it that feels good and easy!

I was scrolling my Instagram feed the other day when my therapist popped up doing a 30-second reel in her PJs. That’s when I realised my way of doing ‘low maintenance’ social media was to ditch the perfectionism, and just talk to camera for 30/60/90 seconds, like I used to do on stories most days. This is the approach I’m experimenting with at the moment - we’ll see hot it goes. My relationships with social media is still extremely *rocky* lol.

So, question for you. What rules do you need to ditch? What would it look like to do social media without the perfectionism? 

Spend less time on social media

Some ways I’ve found that have helped me scale back my social media screen time:

  • Schedule my posts through Planoly

  • Respond to DMs and comments using Instagram on desktop (it’s waaaay less addictive that way and you’re less likely to get sucked in)

  • Set up time limits on my phone and ‘night time mode’ which stops me looking at my phone at all in the evening

  • Deleting the app often!  

Some other suggestions for spending less time on social media:

  • Mute everyone

  • Delete it from your phone at the weekend 

  • Use it for just stories 

  • Use it just for reels

  • Take a week or a month off social media and see what happens 

Pick the low-hanging fruit first, to strengthen your non-social media marketing

There are a load of quick tweaks you can make to give your non-social media marketing a boost.

To help you make these tweaks I’ve made a handy checklist of 30 quick tweaks you can make today to strengthen your marketing without social media. Download it below.


30 quick tweaks you can make today to strengthen your marketing without social media


Wanna tuck this in your pocket as a go-to guide for powering up your non-social media marketing? Pin it for later:

Growing your business without Instagram and TikTok - Marketing without relying on social media for every click, sign up & sale - Josephine Brooks

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