The Freedom Friendly Marketing Formula

It’s not your work that’s burning you out ~ it’s your marketing. 😅

I know you’re sick of…

  • 👾 playing a game with the algorithm

  • 🤯 the draining ‘rules’ for scaling your business

  • 😴 the launches that leave you exhausted

  • 👀 forfeiting your down-time to churn out content, stay ‘visible’ on socials and respond to DMs the minute they come in


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  • The intensive marketing treadmill is exactly what led me to burnout, back in 2021.

    I learned the hard way that getting stuck in the launch cycle & relying on Instagram for sales (hello eye-watering screen time) was not the way to the freedom-filled lifestyle I had dreamed of. 🤯

    I hit pause on my business completely, in favour of helping other business owners behind the scenes in their businesses.

    I quickly learned my clients were also burned out from constant launching and social media.

    So, I got to work building their sales funnels and implementing sustainable marketing strategies ~ that I knew all about… but had never ‘had the time to do’ 🤦🏻‍♀️ in my own business.

    Long story short, this led to creating my Freedom Friendly Marketing approach.

    That’s what I implement for myself, my clients, and  *SPOILER ALERT* I want you to have a Freedom Friendly Business too! 

    If you’re feeling burned out by your marketing you need…


    which consists of…

    A customer journey that f.l.o.w.s...

    This is all about creating a simple and efficient customer journey, and using that to shape your business offers, funnels and content.

    This starts with understanding your audience inside out.

    I’m not talking about how old your ideal client is 🥱 where they live 🥱 and what earning bracket they’re in 🥱

    Because THAT IS YAWNNN ~ to me, to you AND even… your people. 

    I’m talking about REALLY understanding what your dream clients get excited about, what’s pissing them off, what they secretly, really want.

    Inside my group program, Freedom Friendly Marketing, getting clarity around your audience is the first thing we do. Because it unlocks EV-ERY-THING else…

    How to structure your suite of offers, your lead magnet ideas, endless content ideas.

    When you understand:

    • 😩 What your audience’s challenges, struggles and gripes are 

    • 😍 And what their wants, needs, aspirations, dreams, goals are

    You can map a Freedom Friendly Business model that flows seamlessly from…

    • 👀 Ideal client discovering you

    • 😍 to eating up your content

    • 🎁 to signing up for a free lead magnet or your awesome emails

    • 🛍 to learning more about your offers

    • 💸 To working with you

    Your income ecosystem (your offers)

    When you’re clear on your customer journey, you can create a suite of offers that meets your ideal clients exactly where they’re at.

    And you can create a natural flow to your offers so that your clients progress form one offer to the next.

    To create a freedom friendly business you really only need 3 offers…

    • 1️⃣ Entry level offer (lowest investment point, and possible first touch point for your audience in their journey with your brand)

    • 2️⃣ Mid-point offer (this could be you signature, scalable offer)

    • 3️⃣ VIP offer (where your clients get the most access to you)

    That’s all you need. Honestly.

    And if you’re a prolific creator and you LOVE creating new offers ~ focus on creating a library of low investment entry-level offers that feed your signature mid-point or VIP offer.

    Because constantly juggling creating new offers with your ongoing marketing and sales is a challenge!

    My clients who have a clear income ecosystem, can create the most freedom friendly business because:

    • 💡 They get known in their niche

    • 💞 Their messaging is clear and connects with their audience

    • 🏆 They get great results for their clients

    • ♻️ They can rinse and repeat what’s worked before in thier launches and marketing rather than creating from scratch.

    Automated email sales funnels

    You know your audience, you’ve mapped out your offers…

    …now you need to sell your offers ➡️ to your audience 💸 WITHOUT hustling your butt off and getting burnt out.

    So you need… a SALES FUNNEL 🚀 ~ an automated system that serves your audience & drives sales without having to be there.

    Are you ready for sales in your sleep? cherrrr~chiiiing 💰

    If you have a proven offer and an established audience - you’re ready to start driving sales, or building your waitlist to booooost your launches, via an automated email sales funnel.

    Am I’m… EXCITED for you to shift from allll the work you're doing to sell your offers to an easier, more automated approach.

    Pssst, wanna get your sales funnel fired up asap? Here’s two ways I can help:

    Sustainable marketing

    Your sales funnel is like a car. It doesn’t matter how shiny and awesome it is 🏎 - it needs fuel to take you places.

    In other words, You need to FEED your sales funnel with consistent leads ~ AKA real life people who LOVE what you do and WANT to hear from you… on the reg!

    The beauty of the Freedom Friendly Marketing Formula ✨ is that you automate as much of the nurture and selling stages in your marketing as possible ✅

    …Which means…

    • 🚀 You’re NOT relying on social media and launching for your sales

    • You’re freed up to focus on your DISCOVER marketing.

    AKA how people discover your brand and continue to see it pop up in their world (the FUEL for your funnel).

    You could choose to do this by hustling on social media 😅 or investing in ads… but I always suggest taking advantage of the FREE, REPEAT traffic you could be driving first - without having to be there, and without having to pay for it.

    This is why I am ob~sessed with sustainable marketing.


    • Blogging

    • Podcasting

    • Long-form video content

    • Outreach (speaking on podcasts/ at events/ collabs)

    This is all about creating and sharing content that has a long-term lifespan 😇 ~ that continues to drive traffic and nurture your audience for months, YEARS after you create it.

    … AHEM unlike social media content.

    Creating sustainable marketing content is allll about nurturing your home on the internet 🏡 (your website) and making it into the hub for all of your marketing.

    Your website is where you want to attract people to, nurture your audience and invite them to buy from you - it all happens on your website (AKA the only platform on the internet you have full control over).

    The more you add to your blog on your website, the more traffic you’re going to attract through search, the more your audience will grow, and ultimately, the more sales you’re going to make. 💰

    Once your dream clients land on your website, you’ll have it set up as an automated, audience building & sales driving machine so they flow naturally from your content, into your sales funnel.

    Again, alllll without you having to be there hustling for it.

    That’s the Freedom Friendly Marketing formula

    And it makes your life a whole load easier, by automating and simplifying your marketing and sales - so there’s an intentional and natural flow to all of it.

    The Freedom Friendly Marketing Formula is how you get all of this:

    • ✅ Your marketing system feels joyful and EASY. But it’s also helping you reach your income goals.

    • ✅ You’re no longer heavily reliant on social media and launching for sales. In fact, it’s now something you enjoy (rather than the centre of your universe).

    • ✅ You’re launching less - but seeing GREAT results. 

    • ✅ You wake up to a steady flow of sales and enquiries in your inbox. Thanks to your automated marketing system driving sales on autopilot. They’re coming to YOU.

    It’s about damn time you put AUTOMATED marketing systems in place with a SUSTAINABLE marketing strategy that FUTURE PROOFS your business - without a whiff of burnout.

    Pssst, Here’s two ways I can help you make it happen…


    Wanna tuck this in your pocket for when you’re freedom-friendlying-up your business? Pin it for later:

    Want a freedom friendly business? Important pillars for making your business freedom friendly - customer journey, products & services, marketing, sales funnels - Important pillars for a freedom-friendly business - Josephine Brooks

    Marketing Without Social Media (Or Just Less Reliance On Instagram)!


    Evergreen Marketing Strategy 101