Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe

My 10-minute recipe for a week’s worth of Ginger & Tumeric shots

Health coach and nutrition extraordinaire @sarahelisabethhealth put me onto ginger shots in the morning. 🙌

Both ginger and tumeric have been found to give your immune system a boost, and aid digestion. So what’s not to love?

These little shots back a punch 😳

They certainly wake me up in the mornings, and they’re full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory goodness too.

Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe from Josephine Brooks

To make ginger & turmeric shots you’ll need

  • 2 handfuls of ginger

  • 1 handful of Turmeric

  • 1 lemon

  • 2 apples

  • A glug of apple cider vinegar (or medicinal cider if you have it)

  • And either a juicer; or a stick blender and cheesecloth - which is the method I use).

1 | Chop

Chop up the ginger and apples into chunks. About 2cm square sort of size.

The turmeric usually comes in small pieces anyway so you don’t need to chop that.

Don’t chop your lemon either - just the ginger and apples.

2 | Mix

Add everything to your blender; or a large jug or bown if you’re using a stick blender.

All of the ginger, turmeric and apples.

Add the juice of 1 lemon, and a generous glug of apple cider vinegar (or medicinal cider if you have it).

3 | Blend

Blend it all up! Blend everything until it’s a smooth liquid or paste.

If you’re using the stick blender method, once you’re happy with the consistency, grab a bowl, your sieve and cheese cloth.

Pour the mixture through the cheese cloth positioned over the sieve, over the bowl. Gather up the cheese cloth and squeese out as much of the juice as possible. You should just be left with a dry pulp, which you can throw in the compopst.

4 | Storage

When you’re finished making your ginger and turmeric shots, pout it into a kilner jar or similar and store in the fridge for up to 10 days.

5 | Shots, shots, shots

Each morning take a shot of your ginger and turmeric mixture and enjoy the health benefits alongside a kick start to your day. 💥

Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe - 10-minute recipe - Josephine Brooks

Wanna tuck this in your recipe book for later? Pin it to your recipies board on pinterest. ⤵

Ginger & Turmeric Shots Recipe - My 10-minute recipe for a week’s worth of Ginger & Tumeric shots - Josephine Brooks.png

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